Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday January 28, 2012

Just a quick post from Janette. Ray and I were able to Skype them on Friday night. Lori will talk to them tomorrow. They haven't been able to get internet on their laptop, and are still working on this, but I will give a quick update, and we'll hope to hear more in the next few days.

They look good, but are understandably homesick, and a bit emotional. They said that they are becoming known as the "Crying Cornelius's."  They have been blessed by many miracles one of which was the fight over, and their actual arrival at their desired destination. Second was truly their ability to Skype last night. Many people helped them and they couldn't get it to work until right when we had planned to meet. Another miracle came in the form of getting a group of native missionaries out of the country to Africa to serve there. Apparently, after many prayers in the mission home,  the tickets arrived seconds before they were supposed to board.

On Tuesday they drove to a zone conference in Antsirabe, about 200 miles away. They didn't have to sleep in their car, as they thought (just a nap), which they didn't do as they were taking all kinds of pictures of the country. They actually stayed in a cute little cottage, like a bed and breakfast. They said that Antsirabe is a very beautiful place, and that they could live there. The mission conference was very spiritual and they enjoyed it quite a bit.

Mom (Sister Cornelius) is struggling with the smog and cleanliness, or lack of, and doing laundry. Dad (Brother Cornelius is struggling with the Malaria medicine, and homesickness, but they are committed, and know that it will get easier.

We can tell that they are really growing to love the people that they are going to be working with already. They said that they are good people, and that they always have a smile for you. A sister near their apartment serenades them with a song whenever they meet her. Many of the young missionaries there are from Utah, and speak english, so that helps, but they are struggling a bit because their trainers speak only broken english and are hard to understand.  Dad, (Brother Cornelius) has his own office in the mission home as he is the financial clerk, and mom (Sister Cornelius works in the front and gets to greet all of the arrivals. Because their mission president is also the Branch President there are many people in and out each day.

As for eating, they have had bacon and eggs, and Top Ramen type soup with bread. She said that she planned to buy some rice today.

After we talked to them, which was early Saturday morning for them, they were headed to the store in an attempt to buy groceries and MANY cleaning supplies. They planned to spend the rest of the day cleaning their apartment.

Please keep them in your prayers, and hopefully the faith and prayers of many can span nations and buoy them up in times of need these next few weeks. I know that they love and miss all of you. Hopefully we will have more from them including pictures in the next few days.

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